I don't see my projectile shoot from my player character

I’m using the top-down game template and I just watched the Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint QuickShot - 3 - Custom Projectile video. Now the projectile by itself if placed in the scene and simulated fires as intended. However, when I added the blueprint script to the player controller in order to fire the projectile when I press 1, I see the actors getting added and subtracted when they go out of the play area but I don’t actually see it firing. I don’t understand.

The script with the comment block around it is the template, the one without is what I added through the projectile guide video. Any advice would be helpful.


Have you double checked all of your collision?

Could definitely be the culprit, try spawning it way ahead of you character (replace that mult 5 with like 150) and see if it acts differently.

also verify the lifetime isnt too short and that you have some logic somewhere for actually giving it velocity.

Let me check it out. I’ll try the 150 value, I had it set before to 100 and it didn’t spawn. You said I need something giving it velocity? Can you elaborate?

Actually if i spawn the projectile anywhere on the map by itself and simulate it fires just fine. However when I try to fire it from the player character it creates the actor (top right hand window you see the actor number go up as many as I press the fire key (1 in my case) but it doesn’t actually spawn anything or at least i can’t see it. I’m pretty new so I’m having a hard time describing what is going on in the exact terminology, I hope that was clear enough.