Remove "parallax" (camera translation) effect from sky sphere?

When you move the camera, the sky sphere has a small parallax effect. I want to remove this effect. How can I do that? I want to make the sky sphere position non-camera dependent. If I’d do this in OpenGL I would just zero out the translation part of the camera matrix when rendering the sky sphere, but I do not know how to do this in UE4.

The only way I’ve been able to solve this, which is a really bad method, is to make a script that makes the sky sphere follow the camera/player. I do not recommend anyone to this, even though it is an answer.

What’s wrong with this?

I can see it being an issue with mmo’s, but even then, just have it as part of the player. Unless you really scale everything down in space.

Did you manage to fix this as I’ve got a similar issue.

Attach sky sphere to the player. Set to ignore rotation. There is nothing bad about it.

I can’t get that to work, this is what I’ve done in player bp and I’ve set the PC to ignore base rotation: