Fire spreading on objects?

I’m trying to make particles_system/actor_with_particle system to spread on items/meshes/objects BUT i dont know how to make that spread effect.

Hey Mantascool987,

Have you gone through our Content Examples tutorial that’s in our Launcher? If not, please go to the ‘Learn’ section of the Launcher and scroll down to ‘Engine Feature Samples’ and download ‘Content Examples’. Once you’ve gotten the sample, you can go through each map and learn more about the features within the Engine. A character emitting fire is actually one of them. You may need to reverse engineer, so to speak, the blueprints and settings behind it however, it’ll help you become more familiar with this system.

Here is the documents regarding this feature as well: Content Examples Sample Project for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Thanks! :slight_smile: