Spawning new actors with components

I’m trying to do a simple RTS demo game and for this I need spawning of actors. I want to create a template unit in the editor, add components and set values there and then be able to spawn (effectivly clone) this actor from the code resp. blueprints.

If I try to spawn an actor deriving from my custom “AEntity” actor class (no custom implementation there - just the stub) I can see that an actor gets spawned in the world outline and the first time I also see another entity being created, but when spawning more actors the old actor (the one used as the template) disappears.

Also I see that the spawned actor has a second PaperSprite render component.

This is the code for the spawning:

void ACustomGameMode::SpawnFromTemplate(AActor* pTemplate, FVector const& Location)
	FActorSpawnParameters* params = new FActorSpawnParameters();
	params->Template = pTemplate;
	FRotator rot = FRotator(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f);
	AActor* newActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(pTemplate->GetClass(), &Location, &rot, *params);

	// clone all components from template
		TArray<UActorComponent*> components = pTemplate->GetComponents();
		for (auto Itr(components.CreateIterator()); Itr; Itr++)
			auto clazz = (*Itr)->GetClass();
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Template-Component-Class: %s"), *clazz->GetName());

		auto newComponent = newActor->CreateComponentFromTemplate((*Itr));
	//newActor->RegisterAllActorTickFunctions(true, true);


The commented lines show a few desperate tries to get this working :wink:

And this is the blueprint from the game mode where I spawn the new actors:

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Meanwhile I tried a few more things.

	FActorSpawnParameters params;
	params.Template = pTemplate;
	params.bNoCollisionFail = true;
	params.Owner = pTemplate->GetOwner();		
	FRotator rot = FRotator(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f);
	AActor* newActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(pTemplate->GetClass(), Location, rot, params);

Shorter cleaner code, but same problem. Obviously if your clone from a blueprint class you don’t have to clone the components manually, as they are inherited.

Still the old actor gets “removed” with this code.

	FActorSpawnParameters params;
	params.bNoCollisionFail = true;
	params.Owner = pTemplate->GetOwner();
	FRotator rot = FRotator(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f);

	AActor* newActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(pTemplate->GetClass(), Location, rot, params);

Doing a simple spawn without the template works as expected → adds an additional actor.

Okay, as it is working with just the class spawning and it’s ok for me to do it this way I will close this as answered. Maybe someone can find something useful in my code.

I’m having a similar issues - components aren’t being copied when spawning via C++, and FActorSpawnParameters doesn’t seem to help. Did you end up manually adding the components on the newly spawned actor? Thanks!