Warning: Type Missmatch between pins Target and ***


I was getting a weird warning in one of my blueprints that wasn’t showing on any of the nodes, and I didn’t know where it was coming from. It was the following:

AC_CanFight is an ActorComponent in the blueprint, and the DealDamageToEnemy is a function of that component.

I realized that the warning appeared when I copy/cut and paste, or duplicate any function call of an ActorComponent. So for the warning to not appear I have to create the node again by right clicking and searching it like this:

Another issue: Copy/Cut and pasting, or duplicating a function call of another ActorComponent is not working correctly:

This time I duplicated a node from the component named AC_AICommunicator. The result node is not calling the function on the ActorComponent, so it throws a warning.

Hi ,

Thank you for your report. I was able to reproduce this and have entered a bug report, UE-12039 to be assessed by the development staff.