Collision location


I have a UBoxComponent and I would like to have some detail on collision when it overlaps with UCapsuleComponents. I tried to use the OnOverLapBegin() delegate, but it does not provide too much information.

It has an FHitResults input, but its values are initialized to zero. Is it normal, or some kind of bug? Why do we have that if it doesn’t contain anything?

What would be the easiest way to get the location of the collision? (The box component is representing a sword, and I need the position it meets with the character’s capsule).

Thanks for reading, any idea or advice is greatly appreciated,


My solution:
In the OnOverlapBegin function I calculate a ray from the box, and use a trace:

OtherComp->LineTraceComponent(HitData, TraceStart, TraceEnd, TraceParams);

Hey there,

i am gald you found an answer. I don’t know how to use the Hitresult of the OverlapEvent, because i was quite sure that the overlap event only contains the actor it overlaped with.

I will still go ahead an mark this question as resolved, since you found a solution. If you still have a problem or if you don’t want this question to be marked as resolved, feel free to just reopen it with a small comment (: