Find a point within a cone

Hey everyone,

I’ve been scouring the internet trying to find a way to find a point within a cone, considering i have a starting point, direction and radius but i have not had much luck. I want to try and find a point within say 25 degrees either side of the direction inside the cone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi ,

Try to use this code

    // Cone description
	FVector cone_start(0.4, 0.6, 0.6); // cone apex
	FVector cone_dir(0.4, 0.6, 0.3); // cone height
	float r = 6; // base radius

	// u, v, a - it is parameters to describe point in cone [0,1]
	// u - parametrized cone point height 
	// v - parametrized cone point radius
	// a - parametrized angle, describe cone base vector direction
	float u = 0.1, v = 0.6, a = 0.5;

	// Get vectors perpendicular to cone direction, for 2d coordinate system in cone base
	FVector axis1, axis2;
	cone_dir.FindBestAxisVectors(axis1, axis2);

	// get 2d direction in cone base
	float angle = 2 * PI * a; // convert parametrized angle to [0;2*pi] region
	FVector2D base_dir(sin(angle), cos(angle)); // rotate 2d vector (1,0)
	base_dir *= u*v*r; // calculate base vector radius

	// calculate point in cone
	FVector cone_point = cone_start + cone_dir * u + axis1*base_dir.X + axis2*base_dir.Y;

Hope it helps!

Sorry for the delayed reply! Thank you it was very helpful :slight_smile: