[4.7] Cross Product Node in Blueprints is HUGE

Introduced in 4.7, possibly as late as 4.7.3.

Cross product node is massive, it used to just have a ‘X’ in the middle of it. Now it’s a bit intrusive…


It seems it’s already fixed, CompactNodeTitle was not set so UHT picked function name

In 4.7:

/* Returns the cross product of two 3d vectors */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(FriendlyName = "Cross Product", CompactNodeTitle = ""), Category="Math|Vector" )
static FVector Cross_VectorVector(FVector A, FVector B);

Currently at master:

	/* Returns the cross product of two 3d vectors */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(FriendlyName = "Cross Product", CompactNodeTitle = "x"), Category="Math|Vector" )
static FVector Cross_VectorVector(FVector A, FVector B);

So it’s fixed :slight_smile:

Nice! Would have been surprised if it hadn’t been reported already