2-dimensional arrays in BP

Hi everyone!
I’m stuck with one problem. How can I create in a Blueprint a two-dimensional array of ints (or any other objects)?

We don’t have direct support for 2D arrays, but you can use a 1D array and then create some functions to get a given element.

Thanks a lot. I’ll try it now.)

This is an older question and maybe this function is new in the latest version but, I cheat. I create an array of strings. And use a delimiter. There is a function Parse into Array that will take a string and break it up by the delimiter.

Edit: Just to note I don’t do this anymore and opted for structs

Well you can create a new User defined Structure wich contains an arrayset of the element you want to store. Then in your blueprint declare a new array of your custom structure. voila you got a 2D Array

Perfect, thanks!