Foliage Recompiles Every Time

Every time I open the editor for a project the shaders/materials for all of my foliage re compiles, with the exception of some grass meshes. The only thing I can think of is that I have non-foliage instances of those same meshes elsewhere in my world, but they never have to recompile. Help?

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Woot! I figured it out guys. I went into the material editor for each of the affected materials, and unchecked and then rechecked (Under the “Usage” section) - “Used with Static Lighting” and “Used with Instanced Static Meshes”. Applied and saved, and let everything recompile. Worked perfect!


material for metahuman face was not loading. your solution worked for me, except i had to open the parent of the affected material, check and then uncheck (under ‘usage’ section):
… ‘used with static lighting’
… ‘used with instanced static meshes’

thank you