[4.7.3] Game doesn't render anymore after update to 4.7.3

I was using UE 4.7.2 until yesterday. I updated to 4.7.3 and opened my project. When I play (in a new editor window, or in the current viewport) or launch the game, it doesn’t show anything (see the screenshot).

I upgraded this project to newer versions of the engine many times and I never had any problem. But now, a hotfix caused this bug to me.

(I also had another bug, maybe it’s related: I have a custom struct on my character blueprint. When I updated the engine, all places where I splited the structure pin of this struct were messed up. But I don’t have a screenshot of this issue because I deleted and replaced the usages of the struct, to fix the problem.)

I dont’t know if this can help to understand the problem, but the next image shows how I saw my blueprints when I opened it after the upgrade (obviously it is just an ungly photoshoped image, because I don’t have a screenshot of the problem). See these weird numbers next to the structure pins?

Well, the problem was the values of the instances of my struct. All float values became 0 when I upgraded the project. =(

My struct controls the camera position, orientation, fov, etc, so I was not seeing anything because the camera was all wrong.

My problem is fixed now, but I don’t know if I must set this thread as solved because I still don’t know why all this happened.

Hi Marcio,

I believe this is directly related to an issue that we are currently investigating. If you have time, please let us know what you did to fix the issue in your project. If other users need a workaround it could come in handy.



Hi TJ, actually I didn’t fixed the issue, I simply input the correct values again in my instances.

Have you tried restarting the project since you corrected the issue? So far other users with similar errors have noticed that it starts happening again on restart.

Yes, you are right. I restart the engine and now the structs are broken again. =(

Will we have a 4.7.4 version with this issue fixed? I can’t work with my project =(. It was introduced on a hotfix (4.7.3), so I can’t download the older version… I’m stuck.

We currently haven’t been able to reproduce this error in-house, once we can we will create a report for the devs to investigate. Can you reproduce this in a small test project and upload it here? You could also send me a link to download a your project by Private Message over the forums if you are willing to do that.

Ok, I will try to do it when I get back home. I don’t know if I can reproduce the issue in a small project, but I can send my project to you, no problem.

TJ, I sent you a link to the project by Private Message.

Hi Marcio,

Thank you for sending the project. I was able to reproduce the issue and I have created JIRA UE-12550 in our tracking software. Our developers are aware of the issue and they will be investigating it further.

The only workaround I have at this time only applies if you are using the Github version of the editor. Which NeoShka mentions here.

We will post back here with updates as we have them.
