What is the formula for finding out the square kilometers or miles based of the terrain size and Unreal units

What is the formula for finding out the square kilometers or miles based of the terrain size and Unreal units.

For instance a terrain of 4096x 4096 would be how many square miles or kilometer using the Unreal
unit of measurements …

Also I’ve read two different unit measurements one says it’s 1UU = 1 CM the other says 16UU =1M.

It would be nice to have that displayed when creating creating the map. I know once you have created it you can adjust the size and it would be great to see that as well when you make the changes.

The great thing about L3dT is it tells you the size in kilometers based on the terrain size and scale.

You can change uu <-> meters scale in WorldSettings (though I strongly advice you not doing that, it is uncommon configuration and has high chances of hitting exotic bugs). By default, 1 uu == 1cm.

I know you can change the UU but that’s not the main question. So how does the 1 UU= 1cm translate to the square miles or Kilometers of any given size terrain ( 1024,2048.4096 and so on) There must be a way to calculate the area. The question is I guess what is the terrain resolution measurement scale in relation to the UU scale ?

If the scale is 1UU =1cm then how many square mile or kilometer would a 1024 x 1024 terrain be.
I would think there would be a way to figures this out even if not exact…

Hey, did you ever figure out a way to calculate the size of terrain in m/km?

Old thread , yes, but it may help someone .
The answer is, 4096 is in meters . Divide 4096/1760 ( since a yard compared to meter .91,close enough ) . You can get to Km by using online guide: convert miles to Km .

What I need to know, is how to figure HEIGHT of terrain as I’ve found nothing atm to do so. There was a website but I can’t find it anymore. I kjnow the height’ scale in UE4 is 150, while x & y are both .73, but I’ve no idea how they interrelate to each other :wink:

Anyway there is your answer :wink:

I’ve scaled a box to 1.60934 Kilometers/1 mile/160934 UU and it does not look right. The measurement in Unreal 4 is confusing. What is the best way to solve this? Thank you.