Can't set my characters rotation?

I’m successfully teleporting my player using a teleport actor node but for some reason it won’t set the players rotation?

When I debug the BP I see the correct rotation being passed along but then as soon as it gets to the teleport node the value magically changes the players rotation before the teleport.

Can anyone help?



Of course as soon as I ask the question I find the answer…

If anyone else finds this, you need to set rotation on the player controller using “set control rotation”

Would be great to have helper function like “Teleport Player” but not too bad once you figure it out.

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Can you post a screenshot ive been trying to implement it, but Im not sure on the placement of the node.

You can try uncheck “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”

in Class Deafults of your Character.

Thanks :slight_smile: it works!

Thanks - been stuck on this for a while!

You are a beautiful person. Thank you! :wink: Also, if anybody else uses this, make sure to Get Player Controller, NOT, Get Player Character.