Is offline procedural map generation possible?

Hi I am trying to figure out a process to generate my game maps.

I am making a grid based mobile game, a level will be composed of actors at specific grid positions. I have a library of actors, some decorative and mostly static, some gameplay related and mostly dynamic. Now I was thinking of creating a very simple to edit text file to describe levels, and use this to generate the actual level offline, so as to benefit from baked lighting, and avoid run time processing.

The .umap file format is not exposed so it seems I cannot use that directly. I found out you can create static mesh instances at construction time that will enter the light baking pass, but most of my objects are themeselves a composition of multiple static meshes and might prove a pain to reconstruct as instances.

I found this function FEditorFileUtils::SaveMap, that I haven’t tried yet which could suit my needs even though I would still have to know when and where I can or am allowed to call this function. The idea being to actually spawn objects and hope this function can save the map, with these spawned objects as “normal” level placed objects.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, did you figure this out? FEditorFileUtils::SaveMap didn’t seem to do anything for us at runtime.

sorry no, but would still be interested to know

Getting in line as another interested party…