UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) not working

Hello, I was following the C++ programing tutorial for UE4, Programming with C++ in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
but had some trouble with UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=“Damage”)

The thing is that eventhoug I use the function in the code I can’t see it in the blue prints, nor the category “Damage”.
In my Actor.cpp I have the following:

void AMyActor::CalculateValues()
DamagePerSecond = TotalDamage / DamageTimeInSeconds;

and in Actor.h i have:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = “Damage”)
void CalculateValues();

Im trying to use the CalculateValues() function in the blueprints, but the function is not there.
Help please

Ok, I don’t know what happened, but I closed everything and went for a break, when I opened everything again BAM, there was the function… soo problem solved I guess, but why it happened?

nvm… it stopped working, please heeelp

You sure your code is compiled? How did you added that class? is the rest of the code working? Also don’t post answer if it’s not answer or it’s not notification that you find solution. I moved you answers to comments because as you stated problem is not solved

Ok, sorry for commenting as answers, im new here actually, and the problem is gone, I used de debug - sart new instance option instead of the build option (which is the one I was using previously) and the problemas is gone, thank you

and now… how do I set this question as solved?

Where is that I can’t find it