[4.7.3] Blueprint icon flashes constantly when mouse is hovering over it

Branch: Binary, from Launcher
Build Version: 4.7.3
Description: This happens when I hover my mouse over the blueprint icon. The blueprint is derived from a C++ base class, AHUD, containing 1 static mesh component and 1 material.
System Specs: Alienware Echo 13 (late 2014), Nvidia Geforce 860M, driver: 347.88 (latest as of 3/22/2015).

Hey Asperatology,

Do you receive this icon flashing on the first launch of the editor, or all of the time? I’ve created a blueprint template as well as a c++ template to test this. I have hovered over both blueprint folders, and the blueprints inside without any flashing.

Any additional details would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

No, I have launched the editor before numerous times I lost count.

Unfortunately, I don’t know what else to say, other than that the icon only does this. No other classes has this problem, nor any classes/subclasses I created. I don’t know how to reproduce it on other class object types, nor know how to make a new one. I can delete this and create a new one if I wanted to, but I still keep it in just to see if there are other possibilities.

Hey Asperatology,

I have entered a bug report for our developers to review the issue you’ve been seeing with the flickering blueprint. If for any reason you need to reference this bug report, please refer to: UE-12426
