How can I trigger a matinee cutscene after a specific event has occurred.

I’m trying to activate a matinee cut scene upon opening a door with a button. I have a button blueprint that calls an open door event in the door blueprint. I would like a matinee to be triggered by the same event:

[in button blueprint] Button Pressed - Calls Open door event - calls custom even in level blueprint?
[in door blueprint ] Open door event activated and door opens
(?) [in Level Blueprint] xx_ custom event xxx triggers matinee?

I can see now this is probably not the most efficient way to do this… help please! I just want a button to open a door and simultaneously play a matinee. Would appreciate a screen shot of the most basic example of a blueprint setup for this! Thanks

In your button, add a reference to Matinee

And then in your event trigger the play from the matinee reference

Here I did it on beginPlay but if you need further guidance just ask and I’ll give a more detailed answer

Thanks for the reply. It seems it doesn’t let me have a matinee reference within an actor blueprint (that being the blueprint of the button). I can however, create a reference within the Level Blueprint, precisely as you depicted above. Is there a way I can, within the level blueprint, have something like: When event A from blueprint X is executed, execute ‘Play Matinee’?

Hope that makes sense!

Thanks again.

Sure, just like this

Have a BP dispatch an event by calling it’s event dispatcher

And then have the level BP hold a reference to the BP and add an event listener on that specific event. Just need to hook it once so Begin Play is a nice place to do this. After that every time you trigger the event in your BP it’ll trigger the event in your level BP

in the case above you would want to have a play matinee instead of the print string

That worked perfectly! Thank you!

glad I could help you

Dont forget to accept the answer for better tracking

