FCanvasTextItem Opacity.

Hey guys. So I have my HUD up and running and I thought it would be neat to perform some kind of fade effect. Using a timer and a variable change. Well, it didn’t even occur to me but… there simply isn’t a parameter regarding the item’s opacity level.

Would any of you happen to know? Thank you.

FCanvasTextItem Money(FVector2D(0, 0), NumText.AsNumber(MoneyVar), HUDFont, FColor::Green);
		Money.Scale = FVector2D(1.0, 1.0);
		Money.Position = FVector2D(SD.X * 0 + MovementVariable1, SD.Y - 115);

I’m not positive but I see you’re creating an FCanvasTextItem which takes in an FLinearColor. You’re passing in FColor::Green. Note however that in the docs FLinearColor has an alpha channel. I bet if you construct a new one with the alpha set to 0.25 or something, you’d see that it’s see-through. Lemme know if it works, I’m curious!