Protective Shield


I am trying to create a blueprint so when the player press a key a shield sphere will surround the player to protect him from damage. If it is possible I would like to play a sound when something hits the shield.

I did research but I did not find anything (only Nvidia shield). Maybe ‘shield’ is not the correct word…I am so lost I dont know how to do it. Can you help me building the blueprint or just give me the steps to do it?

Any help will be apreciated.
Thank you!

I have been trying to do this too, with little success. I get a shield to spawn when the button is held and disappear when the button is released. The problems I get are either the shield is too small, or it doesn’t spawn exactly around my character. If you haven’t figured this out yet maybe we can help each other out.

A shield? Like a star trek space ship shield?

One possibility would be to create a collision component in your Character Blueprint and encompass them inside of it.

That way you could just start it with the shield off (NoCollision) and whenever you need to raise the shield, activate its collision. Then you could use the Collision Components “OnBeginOverlap” to get whatever actor is hitting it (like a projectile) and just destroy it.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Assuming I imagined what you wanted correctly…

First, create a sphere around your character, and increase its size to surround him.

Then, create a translucent material, and apply it to the sphere.

Disable the sphere collision and set all collision responses to ignore.

Then, make a BP that enables collision and plays the sound when the “shield” is hit. Like this:

sorry for taking so long to respond but I have been busy, I got around to using your method and it is a great start to what Im working toward. thanks!