Duplicate of Collapsed Graph Node With Spaces in Name Lose all pin links

Branch: ‘Binary’ build from the Unreal Launcher

Build version: 4.7.3 - 2479750

Description of the issue: if I create a duplicate of Collapsed Graph Node and this Collapsed Graph Node have “space” in “name” then duplicate version lose all pin connection links inside

(every time) (in any project) (in any blueprint) (with any hot-key or context menu) (ctrl+c ctrl+v gives same issue)


Repro Steps:

  1. Open any Blueprint Graph
  2. Create any nodes with pin links
  3. Select nodes with pin links and create Collapsed Graph Node
  4. Add Space in name of this Collapsed Graph Node (Example: “Colla pseGraph_0”)
  5. Create Duplicate of Collapsed Graph Node



Step 1 - http://i.imgur.com/y6DwYkz.png

Step 2 - http://i.imgur.com/4QQGKAa.png

Step 3 issue - http://i.imgur.com/TiweqMu.png

Original Collapsed Graph inside - http://i.imgur.com/igZ8Vx3.png

Duplicate Collapsed Graph inside - http://i.imgur.com/smEezkI.png

Greetings ScorpyX,

Thank you so much for your report today. I have tested and verified this issue in-house as well. A bug has been submitted to our developers. If for any reason you need to reference this bug report in the future, please refer to: UE-12437

If you have any further questions, please feel free to submit a new AnswerHub question.
