Can I add Timelines in an Animation Blueprint?


I would like to make procedural animations inside an Animation Blueprint. But it appears the Editor does not want me to add Timelines in the Event Graph of an AnimationBlueprint?

Is there any workaround besides doing the Timelines in the “parent” Blueprint and reading the information in the Update Animation event?


I think it is intended that way to prevent the animation blueprint from having too much freedom and room for contradictory behaviour.

Just curious, you ever find a solution for this?

I just set the timelines in the character and look up member variables from the animation class.

This seems a little to heavy as an option though.

The only way to use a Timeline in your Animation Blueprint is to set that Timeline in your Character Blueprint, get the values you want from the Timeline into variables, and then call that variables in your Animation Blueprint. You should take care to synchronice your Character Blueprint and your Animation Blueprint!