Simulate wind effect without APEX

Hello All,

I was wondering if there are any ways to affect an skeletal mesh (without apex clothing) as if it were pushed by wind coming from a specific direction. I realize that using APEX Clothing this could be done, but I am curious about the possibility of creating say a skeletal mesh of, say, a flag with simulated physics in UE4 and making it wave around.


In the material try searching for a node callled simplewind. Plug in some integers to first two pins (1 is a good value), and a vector (0,0,0) to the vector pin.

Ah, I see. Surely you meant to write simplegrasswind (in 4.7.3)? With some additional adjustments (like vertex painting) it definitely works! I don’t think that it is as “realistic” as a reactive skeletal mesh, but it is a great alternative. Thanks!