Pickup and equip an item logic gone wrong

Okay, I created a inventory system that hid and turned the collison off from a certain item (the item you want to pick up) when you picked it up and then on drop the item’s collision got turned on and it became unhidden, this worked fine but then when I implemented an equip and unequip feature using the attach actor node, when I unequip the item and walk a few steps away to drop it, the item will spawn at the area where i had originally unequipped it rather than where i actually dropped it but prints off the correct location

any help is so appreciated.


The capsule of your character is colliding with the thrown object and that’s causing your problem. Most games tackle this issue by spawning or transferring the thrown item in front of the player with some distance. THe wya you can do it is you get the player’s world location and add to it the multiplication of its forward vector and desired distance (50 is a good value considering the radius of the capsule is usually 40).

I am moving the “dropped object” to an arrow capsule further away and still nothing, I have taken a few shots of my blueprints but a few side notes;
The hud has buttons that call the events in the pictures(didnt feel the need to screen shot these)
The object has no simulation(i removed it) and with this current setup, I drop the item, it DOES detach on unequip as the actor stays where you unequipped it the actors location changes and works as normal but the static mesh and collision gets left behind.

Here are the screen shots

When I drop the item:
The “smoke” particles spawn at the objects world location ( THIS IS WHERE I ACTUALLY DROP THE ITEM ) and the object spawns where I unequipped the item(detached it from actor) then when the player is colliding with the object, as you can see, the object and the “location(particles)” are in different places.

thanks for your time.

I have managed to fix this issue, you can mark this as “Resolved”

hey if someone got the same Problem with Pickup text, just hit the Remove DPIScale Checkbox in SetPositionInViewport in the PickupText Blueprint