Duplicates when spawning

Hi, I’m learning blueprint multiplayer by modifying the multiplayer shootout in the learn tab (reusing blueprints from it), and i have a problem, when starting the game, it instantiate the players, but also create clones from them, this is the blueprint

And here the clones

I though a blueprint checking if the players was already in the level would fix the problem, it did, but it doesn’t work forever, after some kills it starts to happen again.

the win binaries: http://dma-source.com/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=7d14aa2ecef8c9a151f9350a2eb7b8a3&download
I’m using steam (Thanks to the amazing Rama).

I’m new to this, so any help would be highly appreciated

Hey I am having a similar problem and just gave up. LAN works fine and I do not get duplicates. I found the issue which I will explain in detail but failed to resolve due to a lack knowledge on my part.

  1. The default spawn is set to NONE so one would expect that no player spawns unless your player controller asks it to.

  2. The first player hosts a game.

  3. There is no duplicate and the game instantly spawns as directed by Spawn player

  4. Second player spawns a duplicate of the first (Oh great) on join server once map is launched, (I assume the default player gets set from NONE to the host player’s character blueprint.

  5. The same second player’s spawn is called by the player controller/gamemode

  6. Now you have a second player and it is posses leaving the duplicate behind

Just a note: any attempts to tamper with the first players duplicates is ignored which is why I am commenting. If this helps or you find a way to fix this issue let me know. In fact, the duplicate player is purely automatic so editing the gamemode/player controller does not affect it an deleting them will leave your possession with this duplicate.