Branch condition met but won't fire onward nodes?

So the setup is a for a trigger box that has collision disabled. When the enemy jumps up in the air and lands, once it lands it enables the trigger box for just a second…and you’ll see in the network I turn back off via the overlap as well.

I have an event in the my-character blueprint I call called player damage, it does the necessary functioning as needed for health and things. IBut if I was jumping I don’t want to be harmed. So if he lands and i’m “Not Falling” do damage.

My problem is if i’m standing completely still it doe nothing…
It doesn’t print the string I have to show that i was in the air, but it doesn’t call the player damage function either??

Does anyone have an idea of what I’m doing wrong???

Is this possibly a bug? I’ve been considering changing to bug report I’ve tried a couple things and CAN’T get this to work at all.
Any help or knowledge would be great. Thanks.

I couldn’t understand what you want to achieve. Can you describe your goal? Maybe I can come up with an alternative.

Think Mario 64. Bowser. He jumps and when he lands if u touch the shock wave you get damaged.
Kinda the same. But instant damage in a radio where he lands. So if ur moving in the circle it does damage once the collision appears. But I I am in the air I don’t want damage done. That also works!!
But if I’m standing still NOTHING happens. That’s the problem. No print string that says DAMMNN!! Which means I jumped. And no damage done to the player.

So simply. If I am in the air I don’t get damaged. Perfect.
If I’m moving around in the radius of damage I get damaged. Perfect.
If I’m stand still in the radius I also don’t get damaged. Problem.

First problem, your english is too bad to understand you, second problem, the image is of a low quality, I can barely guess, which nodes you are using. Maybe it would make sense, if I could read the nodes names.

I apologize for your disrespect with this issue. My English may not be incredible and if that inconvenienced you then feel free to stay off my posts please.
I will fix the picture all though I guess I see it fine. Do anyone with any type of decent attitude a favor and don’t respond.

Until a picture is taken. This is an event overlap. It casts to the my character. I drag a wire and get character movement. Then a wire to get movement mode. Then to the node with the mode falling. To a NOT then to a branch. If true, turn off collision of the trigger box I just overlapped and call the player damage event. If false, print string so I know it didn’t work.

So basically if my character isn’t falling do damage.
So if I’m standing still why doesnt it do damage?

And for anyone that couldn’t understand my English I dearly apologize and also apologize for the hopefully very improbable cause that this post caused you any mental stress


This was not ment disrespectful in any way, it was just an explaination on why u get no useful answer, I am sorry for being mistakeable, good luck with your project.

I figured I’d be safe to say that this is a bug considering I can’t find anything anywhere. But if you want an event to be called ONLY if the bp is in the air…Then if he’s standing still there is a problem too.
Hope someone can eventually help. I’m stuck until then.

Hello ,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. What version of the engine are you using?
  2. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  3. If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  4. Could you provide screen shots of the other blueprints that are involved in this issue?

Im using version 4.6 I’ve set the enemy BP and the player BP in a clean project and yes it’s still the same problem.
Basically if i’m standing still the event overlap isn’t taking place.
The trigger box is enabled and then disabled quickly during the landing of the enemy. If I’m moving around while it enables it hits me no problem. If i’m standing still trigger doesn’t know i’m inside of it.
I’ve recreated this simple and I get the same problem. if a trigger volume is enabled And I’m inside and I’m NOT doing anything it does not trigger the event until i move.

Hello ,

I was unclear before, when I asked if you could reproduce this issue in a clean project I meant that you would need to do so without reusing any assets from the project that is having the issue. Also, if you could provide screen shots of the rest of your blueprints that are being used it would be very helpful.

My apologies. Ok. I’ll get something set up for you.

Thank you for attempting to help me with this.
After creating something similar I did see the problem still.
I’m in 4.6, and honestly…it may be a bug I dunno…but if you’re inside of a trigger box and there’s NO collision. …and that collision box is turned on…it will not affect the player untill the player has moved.
This happens on two separate occasions.

So I do an on event landed…check the distance between the enemy and I…If it’s under a certain amount…do damage…bamb.

Thank you greatly! I’m still learning and apologize!


I think your “fix” is the proper way to do it. The point being, Begin overlap fires once, it doesn’t continue to fire, because an overlap still exists, the “shock wave” would need to do a Get Overlapping Actors, and apply the damage, this will not fail. Where as the Begin Overlap fires, when the overlap ocurrs, as an event, a 1 time instance in this case, and does not fire again, until you “MOVE”, in which case the event has just happened again.

I would think it would be better to have the “shock wave” to see who it should damage, instead of the “avi/character/player” object, trying to figure out, who damaged it.

I may be way off base, but I think that is what is ocurring.