mouselook for projectile-following camera component?

I’m using first person blueprint, I fire a projectile and have the view switched to a component camera that follows the projectile down it’s path. This all works pretty well, but I want to be able to do full 360 degree mouselook around the projectile as it moves.
I tried putting some MouseX and Mouse Y events into the projectiles BP but it’s still locked.



Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?


It appears you are changing the pitch and yaw of the player’s pawn. You should try changing the camera actor’s position and rotation instead.

The ‘Add Controller Yaw/Pitch Input’ node has a target as ‘Pawn’ and won’t allow my camera to be a valid target. Perhaps it’s not a valid node to have inside a blueprint for the projectile but if not in there, then where?
Anyone make an example blueprint please, or tell me a good way to get this working. The camera I want control of is only a temporary camera that is alive inside the projectile for as long as the projectile is flying through the air. Once it blows up, I swap back to the fps camera. So every time I fire a projectile it swaps to this temporary component camera but I have no mouselook on it…

It is a mildly complicated problem to rig up on the fly, but I will try to talk you through it.
If you can’t get the camera component to move the way you would like, you can try creating an actor blueprint with a camera component, then attach it to your bullet blueprint as a ChildActor, from there you should be able to handle create/destroy as well as movement all from the same blueprint. Using an actor allows you quite a few more options for movement in my experience.