How to rotate the PlayerController to match the Player's Pawn rotation?

I have my pawn attached to a “Path” actor Blueprint. This path actor Blueprint is moved around the level with a matinee. When I rotate the Roll of my path actor, looking up/down and left/right is still moving in world position instead of the Pawn’s local rotation. How would I go about getting the directional camera input to take the Pawn’s rotation into account?

I’ve gotten the player’s first person camera to roll correctly with the path actor, but as soon as I look in any direction, things get weird.

I’m using this setup for taking the mouse’s X and Y and applying it to the Add Controller Pitch Input.

I’m trying to do the exact same thing, just made a duplicate post by accident. If I get anywhere I will let you know! Add rotation to the input rotation of a PlayerController - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums

GO in the player character blueprint, in the spring arm check the ‘‘use as pawn rotation’’ box.