RequiredAPI function specifier?

I want to use ULevelStreaming class in my gameplay module, but it is not exported in the Engine dll. ULevelStreaming uses MinimalAPI class specifier, so it isn’t exported. I am trying to expose portions of ULevelStreaming class using the RequiredAPI function specifier, as noted in this documentation:

But when I try to use it I get an error from the Unreal Header tool: “Unknown function specifier ‘RequiredAPI’”

How do I use this function specifier…? Here is how I am trying to use it:

/** Returns whether streaming level is visible */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Game", RequiredAPI)
	bool IsLevelVisible() const;

Figured out the answer. You can specify ENGINE_API (or _API) in front of functions as well if you haven’t specified it in front of the class definition. So I just added ENGINE_API in front of the functions I wanted exported in the dll. RequiredAPI is only used once in the codebase from what I can tell, maybe it is deprecated now? In anycase, the headtool doesn’t recognize it for me in 4.6

Voted up - I’d like this part of the distributed engine API :slight_smile:

Yep, added ENGINE_API in front of IsLevelVisible() to be able to use it in my game. Thanks!

how does that look exactly? i cant get this working for me…