Show Grid?

I am starting off with the [Getting Started Document][1]. When I created a new FPS Project, the [Perspective View][2] doesn’t show a grid. I do have “[Show Grid] [3]” checked. How can I view my grid?
Maybe the grid size is too small? Or Maybe the background is too dark to view it?

Level Designer Quick Start in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[2]: Screenshot by Lightshot
[3]: Screenshot by Lightshot


Are you trying to see [this][1] when you open up a new level within the Editor?


Yes I am!

Do you possibly have game view enabled? Try pressing “g”

1 Like

The X/Y/Z compass toggles off and on when I press “G”. Nothing else happens.

Tried 3 other monitors, same result…
It shouldn’t be my hardware…

Dual Xeons, 198Mb RAM, Titan GPU…


Did you try tilting your view towards the floor?


Yes I have tried moving on all axes.


Could you upload this blank project so I can see the blank space? I want to see if I see it on my computer.

Also, could you please provide me with your dxdiag ? You can obtain them by going to your Start Menu and typing in ‘DxDiag’ and opening up the ‘DxDiag.exe’ program that populates in the list. Then simply click on the ‘save all information’ button and upload that file to your next reply.

Thank you!

How do I upload a blank project?
I am going through the system, checking each RAM stick out, along with other hardware.

[DxDiag 6.03 / DX 11][1]

Screenshot by Lightshot

Ok, I installed on another machine and I can see the grid, but barely. So I went back to my server and was looking around. The grid is showing, but I can hardly see it. Everything is too dark… Any ideas? Screen resolution maybe?

My screens brightness was too low. After adjusting various light levels, such as backlight and brightness, the grid came in just fine…

Sorry for the troubles!