Severe Crash

I am running Windows 7 with an i7 and 16MB of RAM. My chip has 2GB memory.

I created a new LandscapeMountain project, started the lights to build, switched back to the launcher and then everything locked. solid.

Only the mouse could move. I could not switch windows, and no keys did anything.

I can’t remember anything causing this level of lockup with any of my Windows 7 work. This is serious.

Based on no actual facts, I think there is something wrong in the build/lighting calculations.

I rebooted the computer, and immediately tried to build the lighting again.

It happened again! After the build had been cooking for a while, everything locked solid.

Only the mouse could move. Not even a three-finger salute would get a response. I had to forcibly remove power and reboot to get control back.

Is there any diagnostic I should run that would help you guys figure this out?

Hi realmlord-

Two things that can help us track down the issue for you. If you can list your Machine ID which appears in the Crash Reporter when you receive your crash. Also, if you could zip up the following files:


which can be found at C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue

I realize you might not have the Unreal Crash Reporter pop up, so we can use the Windows Event Viewer to help as well. If you go to the Windows icon and type in ‘Event Viewer’ in the Search bar, open Event Viewer and you will come to a program which lists Overview and Summary. In the Summary of Administrative Events you will see different Event Types. You will want to focus on Critical and Error, look for an event which is time stamped near the time of the engine crash. Once you have found the event or events you can save the selected events (on the right hand action side bar) to a ETXV file which you can then upload and send to me for review. Also can you post your DXDIAG

Thank You -

Eric Ketchum

Hi realmlord -

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you -

Eric Ketchum