Can not include header file

Hi there,

I guess this is a question with a rather easy answer but I can’t seem to figure it out by myself.

I am modifying some engine code (see my question about Java code) and want to include a class from my project to call a function of it. So I have an engine class AndroidJNI.cpp (or I guess any other engine file) and want to include a header file from my project MyActorA.h.I thought this simply works by writing:

#include <MyActorA.h>

and putting the path to this file ( D:\UE4\MyProject\Source\MyProject) in my PATH and/or the VC++ Directories > Include Directories of VS2013. Compiling the code works fine and the Editor starts but when building for Android I get an error stating

UnrealBuildTool: D:\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Android\AndroidJNI.cpp(7,10) :  fatal error: 'MyActorA.h' file not found

in the output logs.

Do I have to specify extra include directories for the UnrealBuildTool?

I have the strong feeling that either my environment is not setup correctly or I am doing something very bad. Any ideas on that?


Try #include "MyActorA.h". :slight_smile: