RPG Leveling System, Skill Trees, Party Companions


I don’t think that currently there are any specific Unreal Engine 4 tutorials regarding this. It’s still very early days in this regard for the type of tutorial content available.

(No such thing as a noob question, if you have asked it someone else is probably wondering but afraid to ask!)

I am new to UE4, are there any tuts or blueprint walkthroughs for an RPG style character leveling system, Skill trees, or party companions? These are all things that I would be interested in incorporating into my project! Thank you ahead of time, and sorry if this is an overly noob question.

Thank you so much for the quick reply and for making me feel welcome! Most of the time forums can be kinda harsh! I will deff follow those links! :slight_smile:

You might want to check out Articy:Draft by nevigo if you are in the process of designing skill tree and party content. It’s great for that.

Hopefully, given the exposed source code and friendly devs, someone will make an API for articy to UE4 in time.

Anyway, within UE4, before you make those things you have to learn about

  • Saving var values as data on disk (or you’ll only be able to level up within one game session)
  • UI, especially text and text inputs (like user enters character name)
  • Comparing the input string to see if it’s valid and otherwise matching it during run-time
  • Conditions for figuring out which exp. level is current or next or which skill
  • States and switches for changing anything relevant based on what level is current

Good to know!! Thank you! Looks like I have my work cut out for me! But I am totally excited about it! This is so much fun! I will check that out as well!

I only began skimming though articy and I must say, this is amazing!!! Thank you so much! How did I not know of this, you are my new hero! lol

Well, the UE4 answer hubs isn’t your regular forum. Here, it’s just developers like us sharing insight we have learned over the years. I am wondering about the skill trees part of this myself.

Do you know any free softwares like this? I don’t have many euros on hand. (I live in the US) and their site takes euros only, even if you click the “I don’t live in the EU” option. My money is also pretty tight.