maya freezes when I click on the browse button after art plugin installation

I copied the file from here:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Extras\Maya_AnimationRiggingTools\MayaTools

and I’ve pasted it here:


Am I doing something wrong?

I’m using Maya 2014 and UE 4.7 latest update

Hi Gestah -

I am not able to reproduce this issue internally and from your description it sounds as if you are installing the plugin correctly, but I want to confirm that you are freezing when pressing the Browse button which appears when you first open Maya after copying the .py file. Also you may want to try using the latest version of the plug-in which can be found here

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Thanks, I was able to resolve the problem
in window preferences I have set the File Dialog
style to “OS”
before installing the plugin.
But now, when I try to save the character template maya crashes.

Does Maya give you any warnings or errors when it crashes? Can you tell what was crashing?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

No it doesn’t, it just crashes, even tried debugging it with visual studio but nothing

Hi Gestah -

The Character Template you are trying to save does it have any jiggle bones or other special bones or is it just the base template crashing?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

base template, or with jiggle doesn’t matter. I have tried it both ways

I am experiencing the exact same issue of maya crashing when I click “browse” and have followed the exact same steps to resolve. However the file dialog style was and still is set to OS and it STILL crashes when I click browse. Also maya does not give me any warnings or errors when it crashes.