VR, moving through positional tracking?

I’m using the First Person blueprint. I’ve created a small room that you can move around in physically in VR (by standing and walking around), and yet using the First Person blueprint, by moving positions I essentially ‘leave’ my body. It’s not the body mesh that I want. But rather than a component attached to the player character follows me around (ie Leap motion).

Anyone have any idea?

Are you talking about position replication over the network ? Cause I can see my mesh following me on the local client but it’s not replicated over the network.

Sounds like something I’m trying to figure out. With room based VR if you walk out of the centre of your “room” (i.e. The Vive Chaperone) the camera moves with you, but the player actor doesn’t. If you have a mesh that represents your body, it stays where it is while the camera wanders off. I’d love to know how to fix this…

Just attach a mesh to your camera and use it instead of the default one :wink:

If you are interested in this is on I set up my Vive Character in C++ (but it’s the same from the editor)

ACharacter_Vive::ACharacter_Vive() : ACharacter_Base()
	FAttachmentTransformRules attachementRules(EAttachmentRule::KeepRelative, false);

	// Create scene root
	SceneRoot = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("SceneRoot"));
	RootComponent = SceneRoot;

	// RoomOrigin capsule
	CameraRoot = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("CameraRoot"));
	CameraRoot->AttachToComponent(SceneRoot, attachementRules);

	// The camera following the head movement
	Camera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("Camera"));
	Camera->AttachToComponent(CameraRoot, attachementRules);

	// The skeletal mesh
	SkeletalMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(TEXT("SkeletalMesh"));
	SkeletalMesh->AttachToComponent(Camera, attachementRules);