Perforce Merge on umap objects


Currently if one person changes something within a scene and then someone else makes a change to that scene the second user will have to lose all changes they have made.

Is there anyway to perform merges of umap objects within the editor or is this a restriction we should work around ?

Process overview:

  1. User 1 Updates Map/Scene
  2. User 2 Concurrently Updates Map/Scene
  3. User 1 Checks out/save locally, and submits to source control
  4. User 2 tries to check out/save locally and gets an error
  5. Performing a Text Based Merge of a umap file is not possible (I think) due to non-english text data within the file
  6. User 2 must discard their changes, pull the new head revision and then make their changes again.

Is that working as it was intended ?


Ok cool.

So if they create their changes in a separate layer on their local copy the can then migrate these changes into the main map ?

Just trying to lock down our workflow so we don’t run into conflicts :slight_smile:

There is no mechanism to merge levels. Typically large teams organize their maps such that there is multiple sub levels that behave as layers and things like lighting might be done in one layer, sound in another. Obviously it would be more convenient to be able to just merge two peoples changes to the same map together, however, the format isn’t conducive to it.