Issues with answerhub

It seems like it is possible to post in closed threads here at answerhub. After I have accepted an answers and closed thread, a few months later thread is unaccepted again since someone has posed in it. This results in that I have to go back and re-accept answers again and again even though thread is supposed to be closed. This becomes very annoying fast and closing threads becomes completely pointless.

Another issue I also experienced is that when someone from staff answers a question it almost always get auto accepted (bug or intentionally)? This is also kinda annoying.

Well, I posted into that thread. It was just a comment and it even went to wrong place?

You are very welcome to post comments, thread just doesn’t look very closed to me when posting a comment makes it unaccepted. Also what does closed mean if not closed? It seems to have no meaning right now.

Hey undercover,

Thanks for feedback! We’re aware of these concerns and are considering alternatives. For now, a Resolved post can be marked unresolved by any comment. Resolved and Closed are two different states, and only moderators and staff can Close a post. When we do so, we have option to lock comments as well. intention is to allow continuing conversation on subjects, but we’re aware that this impacts people’s karma level and are looking into alternative solutions.

We’re also aware of auto-accept that occurs with staff responses, and this is intentional. I have made my group aware of issue and we generally unaccept unintended resolution, though of course sometimes we forget. You can always comment again to remove Resolved status to make sure it’s still getting attention you’d like.

Be aware that as we make changes to how AnswerHub works, those changes go live very slowly so you may not see any updates for some time. I’ll make sure to forward your concerns to appropriate people, though. Thanks for your patience as we try to make AnswerHub a better experience.


Must just say that I have a “close” option right under question as well as “edit” and “delete”. That’s what I mean. I thought that actually would close question but it pretty much just adds “[Closed]” before title of question with no further effect as far as I know.

I understand that this isn’t a high priority issue and it shouldn’t be. I just wanted to make you guys are aware of those problems in case you didn’t already knew.


Ah, yes, I forgot that you can close your own post. I’ll see if we meant to leave off lock comments option for non-admin accounts. Again, thanks for feedback!