Animating a textbox? (letter by letter animation)

Hi! In my game, I’m trying to make a textbox in which the letters appear one by one, similar to many rpg games (pokemon, zelda, etc.). Is there any way to make this work using UMG or blueprints?

Thank you!

You could use “GetCharacterArrayFromString” and build your own for loop that has a small delay in it.

Then you take a new String variable for the text that should be displayed. In each loop iteration, you add the next letter from the Array to this String. That SHOULD work, though i haven’t tested that.

But if it works, then you can use the Delay with a variable to controll the text speed, like in pokemon or what ever.

Woah, I didn’t think I could do that. I’ll give it a shot and report back later :slight_smile: Thank you!

How would I add the next letter? Would I have to make a variable for the letter number, and it would add 1 every loop iteration? Also, how can I add to a string? I don’t see that option anywhere.

Thank you!

Alright, so far, this is what I got:

By doing this:

All I’m missing now is adding them up into one message. How would I go about doing that?

Create a second variable of type string. Use “append” and append the result of the “GET” to the new Variable in each iteration. This should make something like this:

H, He, Hel; Hell; Hello

Bind this new variable to your textbox of the UMG widget your want to use.

Or just print it for testing.

EDIT: I will get some sleep now. If you still have trouble with this, i will have a look at this tomorrow (:

That did the trick! Thank you!

Sorry for interrupting so late on this topic but I think I have done as you guys did but mine just typing in one place? :I

Hey! I know it’s already answered, but a while back I made a simple BP system just for this :wink:

This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks