Custom Character model Shrinks when put as playable character

Hi, this is my first question so hopefully everything’s in the right place,

I’ve created a custom character model which uses the UE4 default 3rd person animations and animation blueprint. However when I replace the playable character and animation blueprint with my own mesh, and duplicated animation blueprint respectively I end up with a scaled down model that floats above the ground in the level. (This is shown in the image as well as the original size of the mesh.)I have no idea what might have gone wrong here since the animation seem to work fine in the previews.

  • scale your mesh in your character bp
  • are you animations in the right size when you preview them in persona?
  • which version do you use? :slight_smile:
  • I can scale my mesh in the games character blueprint but that’s more of a temporary solution as I can’t get the exact size of my mesh from that (unless I do a lot of trial and error.)
  • The same problem happens when previewing the animations, but is fine in when viewing the skeleton without them
  • I’m using 4.7.3 =)

Check that parents in bp isn’t scaled down as long as everything is 1 then it should be original size