"GenerateProjectFiles.bat" gets no response

I followed the Tutorial to set up the source

I followed every single direction up until it said to use GenerateProjecFiles.bat.

It opens up the command prompt box and then a few lines appear within less than a second and it closes.

No error, No Exe or other files generated as the tutorial showed.

I’m running Windows 8.1 with VS 2013 Express (Desktop)

Is there any advice someone can give?

1 factor is. I downloaded everything and got it all ready, THEN installed the VS 2013 Express, then clicked the batch. If this is a Factor, I’m not sure, but it is worth mentioning.

Have you already compiled the engine?

There is currently an error with using the Git Hub zip file

you should fork instead

Ben Marsh Forum Post

update From Mike Fricker 8 hours ago

This issue should be resolved now. We
added a .gitattributes file to GitHub
that forces .bat files to retain their
Windows-style line endings when source
is downloaded from the zip file. Of
course, you can always grab the code
using a Git client and it will handle
line endings correctly already

So this means


Re-download your 4.0.1 or Other Source .Zip file

you dont have to redownload the dependencies I dont think

just to make sure

DELETE your current GenerateProjectFiles

and redownload the source zip file



Compiling was the issue, I’ve done a reboot (I posted this at work which was why it took so long)

Turns out the reboot configured something and now the issue works fine.

So I think I could chalk this up to not having VS Installed properly and rebooted before attempting to compile. User Error.

Okay well, I am glad it is resolved!

please click the check mark by my answer so Epic knows you have this under control now :slight_smile:


Turns out the reboot configured something and now the issue works fine and the issue is compiled.

So I think I could chalk this up to not having VS Installed properly and rebooted before attempting to compile.

User Error/Pebkac related.