Can't call event from another blueprint

I’m having problems calling another event in a different blueprint.

Here’s the BP that’s calling the event (Notice the variable on the left): ([View Full Image][1])

And here’s the BP that I’m trying to communicate with. ([View Full Image][3])

Seems simple, can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

You need to cast to the BP where the event is, and be sure to get your cast reference right

I made this real quick to show you what I mean (When I press button, it call the event in a separate actor class):

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this helped thankyou

ME TOO !! THANK YOU!! YOU SOLVE !! VocanicWill!!!

I’ve got everything up and running like in the picture’s, but I’m somehow unable to get the last item in, where you actually call the command. When I look for it it’s just not showing up… What am I doing wrong?

Thaaank you man !!!

what is the GET node after 'get all actors of class". cant find this missing link

Just in case your still wondering what the GET is, after you have changed the actor class, drag out actors pin and you should find ‘get a copy’ :slight_smile:

ALSO have just found that the ‘cast to’ is redundant, just connect the out pin from the ‘get all actors’ and get pin direct to the event (print test bp).

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I do a cast, the event never triggers