AI behavior tree tutorial

Hello again, I had enough with waiting for this page to fixed…

I am try to create a AI chase player in zone but player are invisible to AI if player are not in zone but AI still search for player. same as classic Metal Gear Solid. can anyone help me to understand the blueprint and behavior tree please?


This is a known issue with the pages and the documentation team will be fixing it shortly. Please let us know if there are any other pages not working correctly and we will be happy to further assist.


is there a fix still scheduled? the last couple of pages on this tutorial don’t make sense. was able to follow just fine until the behavour tree on page 14. any articles to help clear up how everything is linked together would be great

yeah it had been updated, but there are too many small thing easy to missed! look at yellow notification and look at code at bottom of page. I am sure you missed that part.

by the way, it dont work inside very well… i am try find out why soon… outdoor is working fine.

Hi. I have somehow managed to get it working in version 4.8.
The problem was with the behavior tree where we were calling “Move To” node and applying Target Location to it. I replaced this node with a custom task which was very similar to RapidMoveTo task that we created in tutorial. Only Changes were , AIMoveTo node is provided with destination input from Last Target Location present in Blackboard .

The behavior tree will look something like this.

May be this could be of any help for someone.
