Jittering character when rotating it

In our game with a third-person camera, we want to control the rotation of the character according to his speed, as follows :

  • when not moving, the camera can rotate around him until a limit angle (from the forward vector, like 45 degrees). Then, the character will start rotating
  • when moving, this limit angle is reduced until 0 when sprinting, meaning that the camera will be fixed behind the character
    When I fix the character rotation, I’m performing a call to the server in order to replicate that correction to all the clients. Note that the position is replicated by the Character Movement Component.

But when I do this, I have a big jittering appearing on the character, as you can see in this video:

It’s very annoying. I’ve tried several methods to fix that, but w/o any success… I’ve tried to add a rotation, to set and replicate an absolute rotation, to preserve the rotation internally to avoid these jitter noise, but it’s still there… I’ve even tried to compute the rotation correction locally on each character of each client, but it’s still the same…
I suspect the Character Movement Component to try to make some fix of the rotation from the controller, but I can’t really figure out where it’s coming from…

For info, in my character, the following options are set as follows:

  • Pawn / Use Controller Rotation Yaw : disabled
  • Replication / Replicate Movement : enabled
  • CharacterMovement component / Character Movement / Orient Rotation to Movement : disabled

I’ve done a small project (on UE 4.7.3) where you can see the jittering appearing when you execute it on at least 2 clients - as it seems ok with only 1 player:

It’s a really annoying problem for us, as it doesn’t allow us to have the 3C we want for our game… Any idea where the problem is coming from, or how I could fix this rotation the best way possible, and keep it synchronized on all clients?

I recently experienced this with the Advanced Vehicle, It turn out to be the Boom/SpringArm of the camera causing the jitter.

I confirmed this as the Vehicle has the third person and first person camera built in, The third person was jittering on the client PC while in first person inside the cockpit was perfectly smooth.

Not really sure this helps fix anything but I’m hoping it points you in the right direction.