How do I set up a platform which moves to a specific point when i stand on a pressure switch

I am currently trying to set a a pressure switch/moving platform combination, where when I make contact with the switch (in this case, a pad on the floor) a corresponding platform moves from its current location to a different, specific point.

Currently I have the switch set up, but I can’t make it talk to the the platform. Images of my blueprints are attached.

I am sort of basing my current set up on the paper2D tutorial (available here: Paper2D: Overview | 01 | v4.4 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube). However, I just can’t translate what is there (a platform which always moves to and from a set position) to my set up (a platform which moves to and from a set position depending on whether a switch is being pressed.

How would I go about changing my Blueprints so that when I stand on the switch the platform moves to a set location, and when I move from the switch the platform returns to its original location?

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