How to rotate a texture without interpolation

This is what I get:

This is what I want to get:

This is what I use:

Ignore the different rotation values, they don’t matter.

I just want to rotate the texture with still having a white border where “nothing” is after rotating.

The easiest way is to import your texture using clamp instead of tiling. In the alpha of the texture make sure it is all black, but have a 1 pixel size white border surrounding it.

Use a linear interpolation node (lerp) and hook the lerp alpha up with the alpha of your texture, and your A value with the RGB (the on that you put into the Base Color right now). In B put a constant 1 value (white). Then put the output of the lerp into your base color and emission color.

If this does not suffice because of the 1 pixel you could always take a slightly different approach, but I will have to dive behind my computer to test that out.

Let me know if it works, of not I will update.

Good luck!

Thanks, but I can’t really control the source texture since it’s dynamically created (on runtime) from a SceneCapture2D. So if it’s possible I would like to not having the texture set up in a specific way :slight_smile: