Find look at rotation understanding. How it works?

I have the box and the child variable as Vector (which is Point on the first screen). After watching [this tutorial I can make it work, but I can’t understand how it’s working. Second screen represents actual blueprint to find a rotation. But why we add up actor location and point vector? Why we not pasting our point as a target?

Because this point only has a relativ offset to the actor.

If you move this point to the actor location, it will be (0,0,0).

So if you have your actor at, for example, (100,100,0). And the point is in the world space at (200,200,0), it will only be (100,100,0) in its relativ space. So if you want to know where this point is in the “real” world, you will need to add the actor location to it. That is exactly what you are doing there.

Actor Location (100,100,0)

Point Location sees Actor Location as (0,0,0) and is (100,100,0) from the Actor Location away.

World Location of the Point: Actor Location + Point Location = (200,200,0).

And the “Find look at Rotation” is only calculating in which way the Actor needs to be rotated to have the forward vector pointed at him. If you have a character, he would then turn to look at this point with the given rotation.

The direction from A to B (actor to point) is: B - A.

With this direction, you can calculate what rotation you need (pitch, yaw and roll) to directly look at the point.

This is what the node is doing.

At what in the video are you looking?

Thank you very much!

You’re welcome!