UE 4.7.3 - ICU data directory was not discovered

Hi, I want to add code to a BP project on mac (UE 4.7.3), but when launching the packaged project the app does not even start. Launching the app from a terminal (e.g. ./Test.app/Contents/MacOS/Test) I can see the following error message:

Assertion failed: HasFoundDataDirectory [File:/Users/build/BuildFarm/build_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Internationalization/ICUInternationalization.cpp] [Line: 118] 
ICU data directory was not discovered:

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create an empty BP project,
    package for mac, run the app:
    everything works fine.
  2. In the UE
    Editor: File → Add Code to
    Project… → Parent class: None →
    Next → Name: MyClass → Create
  3. Save, package for Mac, run
    the app: see problem above

Am I missing any step?

Ok, this works fine after upgrading to UE 4.7.4.