Reference ACharacter class from APlayerController class?

So I’m creating a top-down style game. I looked at the Top Down template, but I want to implement my own.

One thing I want to do is allow the player to zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. My ACharacter class contains a UCameraComponent that is attached to a USpringArmComponent so it’s just a matter of changing the TargetArmLength in order to “zoom”.

I want to handle all the player input in my APlayerController class. For me to zoom, I need to reference the USpringArmComponent from my ACharacter class. This is where I’m stuck.

I’m rather fluent in C++, but I’m still very new to the engine. I thought I could grab a pointer to the USpringArmComponent in my GameMode constructor, but that proved…difficult and resulted in weird casts that didn’t even work (this is in my GameMode constructor):

// Find & assign MainCharacter
static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> bpMainCharacter(TEXT("Pawn'/Game/Incantare/Blueprints/Character/BP_MainCharacter.BP_MainCharacter_C'"));

if (!bpMainCharacter.Succeeded())
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Fatal, TEXT("Unable to locate player pawn blueprint class in DefaultGameMode ctor"));

DefaultPawnClass = bpMainCharacter.Class;

// Setup DefaultPlayerController

ADefaultPlayerController* defaultPlayerController = dynamic_cast<ADefaultPlayerController*>(ADefaultPlayerController::StaticClass());
defaultPlayerController->SpringArmComponent = dynamic_cast<AMainCharacter*>(bpMainCharacter.Class.GetDefaultObject())->SpringArmComponent;

	PlayerControllerClass = defaultPlayerController; // don't know what to cast to here

I wasn’t sure what cast to use ( static_cast, dynamic_cast, or the engine’s Cast function). That being said, I don’t think the StaticClass() and bpMainCharacter.Class are returning what I think they are returning (and/or I’m using them incorrectly). I have a feeling they aren’t actual instances of the class…

If that is the case, how can I solve my problem of my APlayerController referencing the USpringArmComponent of my ACharacter class?

Or is there another more “elegant” way of implementing a zoom that won’t require the player controller depending on the character class (probably not the best idea in the long run).

Thanks for your help.

You can grab your ACharacter derived class by using

class ADerivedCharacter *Character = Cast< class ADerivedCharacter >( UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter( this, NULL ) );

Thanks! I also realized (after a bit more research) that I can use the GetPawn() function as well and cast it to my ACharacter derived class.