[Feature Request] Programmatic creation of static meshes and lights with static mobility

Is there a way to create static meshes programmatically (that is, static meshes with mobility set to static) - just as a way to speed up the creation of blueprints?

Edit: It seems this doesn’t exist so I’ve renamed it to a feature request. The engine seems to handle blueprints like the one below very well in terms of performance (even with several hundred separate instanced static mesh instances) but it would have been much quicker to construct if it were possible to use blueprints or code to place static meshes and lights in a script that executes prior to building lighting (not per-instance, but per-blueprint).

If this could be coupled with the ability to set properties per-instance it would also be helpful (in the case of this example, to be able to set width, depth and shelf spacing.)

do you mean like vertex generation to create static meshes or rearranging pre-made meshes to create new objects?

Sorr for not being clear - rearranging and spawning pre-made meshes to create new objects (and within maps rather than blueprints for the spawning of things like walls, doors, floors, ceilings. Not necessarily programmatically at game-time (though being able to build lighting at game time for random level generation would be nice and seems loosely related, just haven’t run into needing that yet so I haven’t bothered to search on it) - mainly for generation of blueprints as I’ve got several that are highly repetitive with 100’s of static meshes I’d rather not place by hand if it can be done in code or blueprints, but spawning instances of instanced static meshes doesn’t work that well since you can’t set the Mobility to Static and incur huge hits to FPS as a result of being unable to build lighting.

Basically just spawning of static meshes dynamically before the engine does things like building of lighting.