Content browser copy/paste anything

Why is it that I can move things into another folder but I can’t simply copy and paste things wherever I want? I know I can do it in the windows explorer, but that causes issues.

You can drag and drop assets into folders to coy or move them. Ctrl+c ctrl+v always work. If it’s another problem. Can you provide repo steps?

ctrl + c ctrl + v does not work. At least not in 4.7. I just tried it.

yep but if you drag the asset to a new folder you should get a move to and a copy to popup

Yeah I know that, I was just wondering why basic copy paste doesn’t work. Wouldn’t it be easier to just use that?

Same question. I can’t cut and paste assets so there is no way to re-organize what I’m doing unless I move everything outside the editor which can break the dependencies. Need a simple copy paste and cut paste. Migrate implies that its a cut paste but the tooltip says its a copy paste and I got a false error that I copied into a non-game content folder… idk this is kinda wonky the organization is difficult

I noticed that the drag and drop of items into the content browser from the explorer can be a little slow to react sometimes (I have to drag it several times before the import settings come up) so I use the import button instead.

I also use the migrate option for moving assets over to different projects like for instance a water material. If i were to just copy it over like you said it wouldn’t work. The migrate button is what moves all the other stuff and re-connects it back in the new project. I used to manually move items directly from the windows explorer windows but that was not as consistent like the migrate option.

Once you understand how it works it’s not too difficult, just keep your project folder organized and you shouldn’t have any issues.

Hope this helps.