Declaring _Implementation function in header file

So when creating a blueprintNativeEvent like so:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = Parry)
	void Parry();

void AMyProject10Character::Parry_Implementation()
	ParryDuration = 1.0f;
	bIsParrying = true;

I got a warning at compile time that I should declare Parry_Implementation() in the header file since UHT will stop auto-generating it in a future release. I have done so by adding to the .h file:

void Parry_Implementation();

with no UFUNCTION macro or anything. The warning message is gone, but since I have not read anywhere about needing to declare the _Implementation function in the header file I’d like to be aware of the proper way to do this.

Point of those warnings is exactly to make you aware of it, there other deprivation warnings like that implemented and projects don’t break as much as it was with 4.0 to 4.1 for example as long as you follow those warnings